Category: Uncategorized

Featured-Young female napping in autonomous vehicle driving-Legal Issues Connected to Autonomous Vehicles

Legal Issues Connected to Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have limitless potential. Self-driving cars can reduce accidents, drastically lower fossil fuel emissions, and give millions access to badly needed transportation. Not to mention pizza delivery. Automotive experts agree if the future of AV comes to fruition the way it is designed, accidents and vehicle death and

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Desk with judges gavel on child support agreement-Title: What is Child Support and How Is It Calculated?

What Is Child Support and How Is It Calculated?

No matter who pays, when, or how much; child support is always a prickly issue for everyone involved. The legal definition of child support refers to the amount a non-custodial parent must pay to the custodial parent. The payment serves as a legal commitment for the child’s living expenses, including

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Large blue waterslide with Title: Backyard Slip and Slide Homeowner Liability

Backyard Slip and Slide Homeowner Liability

Avoiding Personal Injury Claims Everyone is gathering at your home for the big cookout and game this weekend.  You have rented one of those elaborate slip and slide castles for all the kiddies, even for some of the child-like adults. Everyone decided on the Bounce House Water Slide with lots

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Person sitting in front of a computer screen with Title: How Can Social Media Affect a Personal Injury Lawsuit

How Can Social Media Affect a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Hunter Law and its skillful team of Attorneys have extensive experience in personal injury lawsuits. If you have been injured by the neglect of others, it is vital to speak with an attorney qualified in Personal Injury. The following article provides an examination of the complexities between Social Media and

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Regina Hunter Announces Updates to Hunter Law Website

On Thursday, Tampa personal injury attorney Regina Hunter announced planned sweeping updates to her existing website. Modifications to the website will cover practice areas ranging from automobile and motorcycle accidents to medical malpractice. A complete rundown of personal injury case types handled by Hunter Law can be found by visiting

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5 Reasons to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney

If you are involved in a Tampa automobile accident, there are some issues you will be required to resolve. Oftentimes, when someone is injured in an accident, their focus is on dealing with their injuries and not contacting an attorney. With that in mind, there are at least five reasons

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Traffic Accident Injuries

It is true that traffic accident injuries will vary from driver to passenger and from crash to crash, but there are some that will be fairly common? This article is meant to offer you an overview of common injuries resulting from Tampa auto accidents. Specific information should always be acquired

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Featured: How to Handle a Hit and Run Accident - Smashed vehicle in parking lot

How to Handle a Hit and Run Accident

Being in any auto accident is rough but additional confusion and stress can occur if you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident. It is important that you take proper measures to be sure the person who hit you does not get away with their actions. Here are some helpful

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Tips for Properly Handling a Dog Attack

Dogs are cute and fun but some can be aggressive at times. Unfortunately, a dog attack can occur so we thought it would be helpful if we provided a list of safety tips. Stay Calm at All Times  When you think there is potential for a dog attack, always stay

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Five Years of Shocking Motorcycle Statistics

Take a look at some interesting motorcycle statistics from 2005-2010. Remember, if you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, call 844.HUNTER.LAW. 2005 • 1 in 3 accidents were a result of riding a motorcycle while under the influence of alcohol. • The motorcycle death rate was 73 per 100,000

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Tips for Dealing with the Stress of Divorce

Even the most amicable of divorces are unpleasant and cause you unnecessary stress. Thankfully, there are things you can do to minimize the stress of divorce so that your physical and mental health are well during the process. Here are just a few tips for helping you make it through

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Common Injuries After a Semi-Truck Accident

There’s no such thing as a good car wreck, but an accident involving a semi-truck can be particularly devastating. The weight and speed behind these large vehicles are more than enough to cause severe injury or even death. Over 500,000 people are involved in these wrecks and experience their effects

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What Should You Do Right After an Auto Accident?

An auto accident can be a traumatic experience for anyone. After it has occurred you may not be in the best condition to think clearly and rationally. That’s why it’s important that you learn what you need to do before one happens to you. These tips will help protect you

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Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury is a serious condition that isn’t always easy to detect. Many times it takes days or even weeks for the signs of a brain injury to start showing, and often the symptoms associated with this condition are things that people are not typically on the lookout

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Health Issues After a Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury is a serious condition that can have repercussions across many different areas of your life. Because the spine is so important to almost all of the body’s functions, there are many potential complications that are associated with an injury. If you have suffered a back injury

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Common Causes of Boating Accidents in Tampa

Now that summer is back in full swing many people will be venturing out on the water to enjoy fishing, beaches, and boating. Tampa boating accidents don’t occur all the time but they are still a possibility—especially for those who do not familiarize themselves with how to safely operate a

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Concussions From an Automobile Accident

Any time you are involved in an automobile accident, you are at risk for a number of injuries. Concussions from an automobile accident are not immediately apparent.  A percentage of all injuries will be visible immediately after the accident. Others will not be immediately apparent.  Injuries falling into this category

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Common Injuries in Tampa Auto Accidents

A car accident can result in many injuries to different parts of your body.  The severity of all injuries will depend on the circumstance and the force of the impact.  But a close look at the type of insurance claims and personal injury claims filed will show that certain injuries

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What Is Negligence in a Personal Injury Case?

Negligence involves doing or failing to do something that any reasonable or responsible person would do in a specific situation, and injury or loss occurs to a victim as a result. There are specifics that must be shown to make a claim of negligence in a personal injury case. How

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Common Injuries Expected in a Car Accident

Car accidents can cause a number of injuries to all parts of your body, depending upon the circumstances of the car crash and the severity of the impact.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates 3,335,800 people are injured in auto accidents each year.  Taking a closer look at the

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Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

Can You Tell Us About Common Types of Personal Injury Cases? Each year there are very high numbers of personal injury cases filed in Tampa and Florida as a whole.  Most of these cases are based upon negligence which has caused unintentional injuries.  Common types of  personal injury cases include:

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Personal Injury Lawsuits

In a personal injury case, the person who has suffered an injury relies on the legal idea of negligence to determine another person’s fault for the accident. What are personal injury lawsuits? What is negligence?  Negligence is a failure to take care to avoid causing injury or loss to another

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