Parenting Plans and Timesharing Agreements

When life circumstances change, it’s important to have well-crafted, meaningful parenting plans that detail each parent’s rights and responsibilities as they relate to the best interests of the children involved. It’s best when each parent can come together in the best interest of the child to craft an acceptable plan that the court will approve.

When reviewing parenting plans, the court will look for specific details to consider for approval:

  • a detailed statement of how each parent will divide responsibilities involved in the child-rearing process, which are necessary for the well-being of the child.
  • a timesharing schedule should include how much time and in what manner each parent will spend time with the child.
  • who will handle health care and school-related decisions. This includes the designation of residence that determines the school district for the child. A plan should include anticipated activities and who is responsible for related decisions.

Parenting responsibilities can be shared or given to a sole parent, with decision-making and responsibilities afforded accordingly. These can include how a child is educated, whether they’re brought up in a religious environment, how the child is disciplined, and decisions related to healthcare. Courts in Florida and elsewhere favor shared parenting responsibility unless such an arrangement is not in the best interests of the child.

Timesharing Agreements in Family Law

These detailed parenting plans also include timesharing agreements that lay out how, when, and where a child spends time with each parent. Schedules for timesharing are specific, binding (unless there is a change agreed upon mutually), and important to ensuring family wellness.

When making decisions on timesharing, there are important factors to consider. First and foremost, decisions should be made in the best interest of the child. Your children are going through significant life changes as well.

Minimize loss as much as possible. Attempt to keep changes to a minimum. Maximize relationships and continue those that are healthy and meaningful for the child. Security helps the child feel safe and protected. They need to feel that sense of familiarity and security with their routines and family rules in both home environments. Recognize changes in circumstances as the child moves through developmental states. Flexibility will be required and respected.

Hunter Law is committed to making sure that your child thrives and feels both love and support. By getting to know your family, we can help you craft a parenting agreement that minimizes complications and maximizes happiness.

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