Category: Blog

A lawyer's gavel

Jurisdiction and Residency

The state of Florida, like any other state, has certain jurisdictions for courts over cases. Jurisdiction in the law is the authority of the courts to try cases on legal matters within a specific area and over certain kinds or types of legal cases. In this case, jurisdiction pertains to

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Set of lawyer scales for balance

Time Sharing and Military Service

Time sharing and parental responsibility can become major topics of discussion in the dissolution of a marriage. The Florida Statute title VI, chapter 61, section 61. 13002, specifically addresses the military circumstances and situations that would impact and affect any kind of time sharing or child support. However, there are

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Pic of Guardian Lite Form

Guardian Ad Litem

In some cases, a court will appoint the guardian ad litem to a minor child involved in a dissolution of marriage. A court will determine whether or not one is needed, based on what is in the child’s best interest. Ad litem is Latin, meaning “to suit” therefore direct translated,

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Alimony is a common topic discussed in the dissolution of marriage proceedings. Although it can be associated with child support and children, in some circumstances it is just between the individuals of each party. Alimony in general is the provisions or support ordered by the court for one party to

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Puzzle pieces that include a dog

Who Gets the Family Pet in a Divorce in Florida?

Today, our family pet seems like a member of the family rather than a piece of property. When going through a divorce, this differentiation can be very challenging as pets come with emotional attachments and are not seen as items of possession. However, in Florida divorce law pets are considered

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Engagement ring held by distraught woman

Who Gets the Engagement Ring?

Engagement rings can have special emotions and prices attached. Ownership of an engagement ring is a topic commonly discussed when dealing with divorce and separation. Engagement rings typically come with a high price and the condition of marriage. Each case differs depending on the circumstances of the relationship. However, in

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Relocation can be a difficult subject to consider when going through a separation or divorce. Under Florida Statute §61.13001, there are many necessities and stipulations required for parental relocation with a child. The first section under this statute goes over the definitions to help better explain the conditions of the

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gavel hammer on a futuristic background

Mandatory Disclosure Rule

Throughout any divorce or separation, you are bound to hear the words “mandatory disclosure” brought up. In the state of Florida, there is actually a Mandatory Disclosure Rule. This rule requires that both parties in a family law case provide specific and certain documentation to the other party. This is

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wood carvings of family on a scale next to a gavel

Best Interest of the Child Standard

In Florida legal statutes there is an entire section devoted to helping explain how the Best Interest of the Child Standard (BIOTC) is determined in different cases. When parents have contradictory views about what a child’s or children’s best interest are, cases involving the dissolution of marriage can get tense

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Why Hire a Motorcycle Accident Attorney?

If you have been injured in or involved in a Tampa, FL motorcycle accident, you are likely pondering whether you need legal representation in the matter. The answer for most people will be simple, it is a good idea to at least consult with a local attorney if you have

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Five Years of Shocking Motorcycle Statistics

Take a look at some interesting motorcycle statistics from 2005-2010. Remember, if you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, call 844.HUNTER.LAW. 2005 • 1 in 3 accidents were a result of riding a motorcycle while under the influence of alcohol. • The motorcycle death rate was 73 per 100,000

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Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Severe injuries are not unique to motorcycle and bicycle accidents. Although the dynamics of this type of accident can be different from an automobile accident.  Evidence of the differences can be noted in the types of injuries that have been commonly catalogued in motorcycle and bicycle riders. Identifying how a

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Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

Can You Tell Us About Common Types of Personal Injury Cases? Each year there are very high numbers of personal injury cases filed in Tampa and Florida as a whole.  Most of these cases are based upon negligence which has caused unintentional injuries.  Common types of  personal injury cases include:

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Personal Injury Lawsuits

In a personal injury case, the person who has suffered an injury relies on the legal idea of negligence to determine another person’s fault for the accident. What are personal injury lawsuits? What is negligence?  Negligence is a failure to take care to avoid causing injury or loss to another

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