Month: September 2021

Featured-Young female napping in autonomous vehicle driving-Legal Issues Connected to Autonomous Vehicles

Legal Issues Connected to Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have limitless potential. Self-driving cars can reduce accidents, drastically lower fossil fuel emissions, and give millions access to badly needed transportation. Not to mention pizza delivery. Automotive experts agree if the future of AV comes to fruition the way it is designed, accidents and vehicle death and

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Featured-judges gavel + paper money on desk - How Do Florida Courts Calculate Alimony?

How Do Florida Courts Calculate Alimony?

Alimony is a court-ordered payment from one spouse to the other, and no two divorce cases are ever the same. In general, alimony in Florida is awarded to the lower income-producing spouse to maintain their current standard of living. In the eyes of Florida Courts, either spouse may file for

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