Understanding the Causes of Lower Back Pain Following an Automobile Accident

Featured image; Male adult holding lower back after an auto accident-

Any time you find yourself in need of legal assistance, you surely recognize the need to seek out an experienced attorney whose specific expertise closely aligns with your individual legal needs. Divorce proceedings, for example, should lead you to conduct a search for the best divorce lawyers in Tampa, just as an automobile accident should inspire you to seek out the most successful personal injury lawyer Tampa FL has to offer. We help you understand common causes of lower back pain after an accident.

Given the complexities associated with personal injury law, in particular, it’s nearly impossible to overstate the importance of working with a lawyer who possesses a deep understanding of the legal and medical issues that will play a role in determining the final outcome. In cases involving lower back pain stemming from an automobile accident, it’s especially critical that you and your lawyer craft a legal strategy based on a detailed understanding of the injury in question as well the short- and long-term effects of lower back pain.

With this in mind, it’s helpful to understand the different types of lower back pain usually associated with automobile accidents, as well as what specifically causes you to experience discogenic or facet joint pain, both of which are commonly experienced by those involved in an automobile accident.

Discogenic Pain Stemming From an Automobile Accident

As its name implies, discogenic pain is a type of pain located in the discs of the spine. Discogenic pain can be the product of either chronic or acute trauma, but it is most often the latter in the case of an automobile accident. The sheer force of the impact common in automobile accidents places a tremendous amount of pressure on the spinal discs, which can damage the discs in a painful and potentially debilitating way. The following conditions are among the most common examples of discogenic pain stemming from an automobile accident:

In the aftermath of a car accident, the pain associated with these kinds of conditions may not be apparent until several days later. It is for this reason that thorough diagnostic testing is often necessary following an accident, so it is imperative that you seek out only the most skilled and experienced medical and legal professionals in the event that you’ve been involved in an automobile accident.

Facet Injuries Stemming From an Automobile Accident

The facet joints play a critical role in the movement, and, when damaged by the impact forces of a car accident, these joints are capable of causing severe muscle spasms and nerve pain. A damaged facet joint can also lead to a host of problems long after an automobile accident, including muscle spasms that suddenly freeze the joint. This is called facet-locking syndrome, and it might be caused by a simple movement like bending over to pick something up from the floor.

Since there is sometimes a delayed onset of symptoms, it is important to reiterate the importance of seeking medical attention from a skilled practitioner. When a facet joint injury is suspected following an automobile accident, a doctor might recommend an MRI, x-ray, or CT scan, and, in some cases, a dye might be used in conjunction with these diagnostic tests to better highlight any potential facet joint issues.

Dealing With the Complex Medical and Legal Issues Associated With Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a complex issue that left unaddressed can cause you a host of short and long-term problems. If you are ever involved in an automobile accident and are concerned about the possibility of discogenic or facet joint pain, make sure to seek out the assistance of medical and legal professionals that possess extensive experience and expertise in dealing with all the complexities associated with lower back pain.